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Meghalaya State Lottery on , at precisely 12:35 PM. This famous website called the Meghalaya State Lottery, has built a reputation for quickly publishing the most current lottery results. So, respected customers, please accept these results for the Meghalaya State Lottery’s 12.35 PM Morning Result.




Meghalaya State Lottery

Every day of the week, One times a day, the Meghalaya State Lottery provides you with the opportunity to win up to Rs. 2 lakh. Daily morning, Day and evening draws for the Future Daily Lottery award thousands of dollars in rewards. Discover more information about the and view the most recent winning numbers by visiting the Meghalaya Future Lottery Results page.

Draw Schedule

One times a day, a First Prize of Rs. 2 lakh is up for grabs in the Meghalaya Future Daily Lottery. Every day of the week has a distinct name for the draws. For instance, the draws on Sunday are referred to as Future Brook, the draws on Monday as Future Stream, and so forth. Each draw’s name and draw date are listed in the table below.

Draw Name

Draw Day

Each day's draws start at 7.35PM for the evening draw. Each entry costs Rs.10 for all of these draws.

Draw Schedule

1. This lottery is floated by the Government of Meghalaya under delegation of the Executive powers of
the Ministry of Home Affairs. Govt. of India and therefore, covered under item 40 of the Union list of the
7th Schedule to the Constitution of India.

2. The Details of Prize Structure are as under:





3. The Scheme we have a 99,988 tickets in 52 series numbering from AA to BZ and tickets numbering
from 00012 to 99999 in each series totaling to 51,99,376 number of tickets.

4. The draw will be held out of the total scheme and the prizes shall be drawn on the proportionate basis.

5. Price of each ticket will be Rs 10 The cost of the ticket includes fees for right of participation in the draw and contribution towards
prize funds.

6. The Claim for all the prize winning tickets above Rs. 10,000/-should reach the office of the
Director of Meghalaya State Lottery, Shillong along with original prize winning tickets, with 2 passport
size photograph, Pan Card and proper residents proof either issued by central government or any other
state, within 30 days from the date of draw and publication of the results, The Director may, after 30 days
but before expiry of 90 days from the date of draw, entertain a claim if he is satisfied that the delay in
claiming the prize amount is for reasons beyond the control of the claimant. The T.D.S. on prizes will be
deducted at the source while making the payment.

7. The selected Distributor will be authorized by the Government of Meghalaya to make arrangements
for payment of prize amount up to Rs. 10,000/- to the prize winners on behalf of the Government of Meghalaya
within 30 Days from the date of draw publication of the results and on presentation of a genuine original prize winning ticket.

8. Before taking delivery of the tickets, the stockiest/agents/sellers/buyers shall ensure that each ticket book contain the
correct number of tickets and has no defect either in printing of in numbering. If any such defect is
noticed, he / she shall immediately return the ticket(s) and get in exchange correct numbered and
printed book/ticket as the case may be. Under no circumstances stockiest/agents/sellers/buyers shall
sell/buy any defective ticket and responsibility of any dispute arising due to non-compliance of these
requirements will wholly rest on him. The liability of the State/Sole-Distributor Printing Press is limited to
the exchange of the defective tickets only.

9. Agent and seller are advised to check the correctness of the printing and numbering of the tickets while selling or purchasing.
The defective tickets should immediately be returned to the issuing authority.

10. The payment of prize money shall be as per the provisions of the Rules All prize winners shall be paid in Indian currency.
There shall not be any joint claim on any prize amount One ticket shall be eligible for only one prize, whichever is higher.

11. Prize amount for any prize winning ticket against which a case is filed in any court of law or is the subject matter
under investigation by (police or income tax authority) shall not be paid unless such case is settled.

12. A ticket which is forged, torn, mutilated or tampered with shall be rejected except in cases where it is
possible to verify the genuineness of the ticket Only if, during the verification it is found that the tickets
genuine, the prize amount shall be disbursed. The claim in shall be rejected if the genuineness of the ticket
cannot be established in such cases, the decision of the Director of Meghalaya State Lottery, Shillong
shall be final and binding on the claimant and the Distributor.

13. Government reserves the right to change the Date & Time of draw.

14. Any legal proceedings relating to any terms and conditions of the tender and the lottery tickets, and
the conduct of the Meghalaya lottery, and rights and liabilities of the selected Distributor and the Government/DMSL
of Meghalaya state exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Courts of East Khas Hills District, Meghalaya, irrespective
of the points of sales of Meghalaya Lottery tickets.

15. The draws shall be held as per the procedure prescribed in the Rules at any public place located within the State of Meghalaya
in the presence of Draw Committee appointed by the Government.

16. No Draw shall be held on National Holidays Le. 26th day January, 15th august and 2nd October.

17. The result of the draws shall be published by the Director of Meghalaya State Lottery, Shillong in the Official Gazette of the Government of

18. The lottery tickets are not sold in “Lottery free Zone” areas of the States Lottery, Shong of Union Territories.

19. All prizes are guaranteed by Government of Meghalaya, Department of State Lotteries, Shill.

Today’s Meghalaya State Lotteries Result:

Meghalaya Lotteries Result Today Download and view the Meghalaya Lottery result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya Lottery result today. This website also updates the Meghalaya Lottery Results.

Meghalaya State Lottery Result

Meghalaya State Lotteries Result Today Download and view the Meghalaya State Lottery result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya State Lottery result today. This website also updates the Meghalaya State Lottery Results.

Meghalaya lottery result

Meghalaya State Lotteries Result Today Download and view the Meghalaya State Lottery result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya State Lottery result today. This website also updates the Meghalaya State Lottery Results.

Meghalaya lottery sambad

Meghalaya lottery sambad Today Download and view the Meghalaya lottery sambad online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya lottery sambad today. This website also updates the Meghalaya lottery sambad.

Meghalaya lottery

Meghalaya lottery Result Today Download and view the Meghalaya Lottery result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya Lottery result today. This website also updates the Meghalaya Results.

মেঘালয় স্টেট লটারি

মেঘালয় স্টেট লটারি Result Today Download and view the মেঘালয় স্টেট লটারি online, click the link above. Online PDF for the মেঘালয় স্টেট লটারি result today. This website also updates the মেঘালয় স্টেট লটারি Results.

Meghalaya state lottery result today

Meghalaya State Lotteries Result Today Download and view the Meghalaya State Lottery result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya State Lottery result today. This website also updates the Meghalaya State Lottery Results.

Meghalaya state lottery today result

Meghalaya state lottery today result Download and view the Meghalaya state lottery today result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya state lottery today result. This website also updates the Meghalaya state lottery today result.

Meghalaya state lottery sambad

Meghalaya state lottery sambad result Download and view the Meghalaya state lottery sambad today result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya state lottery sambad today result. This website also updates the Meghalaya state lottery sambad.

Meghalaya Singham Lottery

Meghalaya singam lottery result Download and view the Meghalaya singam lottery sambad today result online, click the link above. Online PDF for the Meghalaya singam lottery sambad today results. This website also updates the Meghalaya singam lottery sambad.

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